1.0 cu ft softener with 200 lb brine tank, stainless bypass valve, and 3/4" internals (most homes are plumbed with 3/4" pipe)
Includes free set-up
No need to reset time after power outage”(electronic only).
Plumbing is extra and can vary greatly per installation.
Shown is a Mechanical Head (electronic head available for same price)
Upgrades available: 1.5 cu ft for $75. Increases capacity by 50%
Rental Price per month: “call for price and availability”
Set Up Cost: Included
Higher Flow and capacity 1.5 cu ft softener with 200 lb brine tank, bypass valve, and 1" internals (most newhomes are plumbed with 1" pipe or greater.)
Shown is a Electronic Head (Fleck 7000)
Includes free set-up
No need to reset time after power outage.
Plumbing is extra and can vary greatly per installation.
Upgrades available: 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2" connections (check for prices), 2.0 cu ft for $75. Increases capacity by 33%
Rental Price per month: “call for price and availability”
Set Up Cost: Included